UnoCSS also supports the theming system that you might be familiar with in Tailwind CSS / Windi CSS. At the user level, you can specify the theme
property in your config, and it will be deep-merged to the default theme.
theme: {
// ...
colors: {
'veryCool': '#0000ff', // class="text-very-cool"
'brand': {
'primary': 'hsl(var(--hue, 217) 78% 51%)', //class="bg-brand-primary"
During the parsing process, theme
will always exist in context
Usage in rules
To consume the theme in rules:
rules: [
[/^text-(.*)$/, ([, c], { theme }) => {
if (theme.colors[c])
return { color: theme.colors[c] }
Usage in variants
To consume the theme in variants:
variants: [
name: 'variant-name',
match(matcher, { theme }) {
// ...
Usage in shortcuts
To consume the theme in dynamic shortcuts:
shortcuts: [
[/^badge-(.*)$/, ([, c], { theme }) => {
if (Object.keys(theme.colors).includes(c))
return `bg-${c}4:10 text-${c}5 rounded`
One exception is that UnoCSS gives full control of breakpoints
to users. When a custom breakpoints
is provided, the default will be overridden instead of merging.
With the following example, you will be able to only use the sm:
and md:
breakpoint variants:
theme: {
// ...
breakpoints: {
sm: '320px',
md: '640px',
is same as breakpoints
but for vertical layout.
In addition we will sort screen points by size (same unit). For screen points in different units, in order to avoid errors, please use unified units in the configuration.
theme: {
// ...
breakpoints: {
sm: '320px',
// Because uno does not support comparison sorting of different unit sizes, please convert to the same unit.
// md: '40rem',
md: `${40 * 16}px`,
lg: '960px',